Monday, January 19, 2009

Canada We Do Stand On Guard

Since reading Ed Hird's book Battle for the Soul of Canada I read the newspaper and magazines with a more discerning mind.

History has never been my strong subject. Early in my marriage I realized how much I did not know about history. My husband, who is well-read and eager to talk about politics, business and historical issues, was amazed that his new bride knew absolutely nothing in any of those areas. And I was a public school teacher! Awful. He encouraged me to read the newspaper - and not the entertainment or comic sections. He helped to bring me up-to-date on current issues. His was a tough assignment. I had a lot to learn.

I started to teach the newspaper to my grade fives. We began to learn together. As I learned - they learned. We listened to the radio. We read The Globe and Mail (hard reading for grade fives). But, they enjoyed it and conversations were lively and interesting. In 1993 we saw the handshake between the Prime Minister of Israel, Yitzhak Rabin, and the PLO leader, Yasser Arafat. What an historic moment for us! I wonder now if those children are interested and witnessing what is happening in Israel and Gaza today.

Ed Hird's book reawakened my dormant historical soul. Through stories he helped Canada's past come alive. He showed me how people make a difference and how I can make a difference.

Is your knowledge of our Canadian past immature? Do you need an injection of Canadian spirit? I would recommend his book. He fired up my desire to know Canada more - to read, to discuss and to pray - oh pray fervently. For our land, our leaders and our people.

Until next time - O Canada we stand on guard for thee.


1 comment:

Joanna Mallory said...

One thing I appreciated about Battle for the Soul of Canada was seeing how faith made a difference in some of our historic leaders and influencers. It taught me more history, without "sanitizing" the Christianity out of it like a school text would have to do.